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Run a test build

Now that you've registered your GitHub organisation, created a server, and configured the agent, you're ready for a test build.

We recommend you run the following build without changes to confirm that everything is working as expected. After that, you can modify an existing build and start using actuated for your team.

The below steps should take less than 10 minutes.

Create a repository and workflow

This build will show you the specs, OS and Kernel name reported by the MicroVM.

Note that if you're running on an Arm server, You'll adapt the prefix of runs-on: actuated-, to runs-on: actuated-arm64- instead.

  1. Create a test repository and a GitHub Action

    Create ./.github/workflows/ci.yaml:

    name: CI
            - '*'
            - master
            - main
            name: specs
            # runs-on: actuated-arm64-2cpu-8gb
            runs-on: actuated-arm64-2cpu-8gb
            - uses: actions/checkout@v1
            - name: Check specs
              run: |

    Note that the runs-on: field says actuated- and not ubuntu-latest. This is how the actuated control plane knows to send this job to your agent. There are no fixed sets of vCPU and RAM, you can make up your own combinations.

    Then add to the root of the repository, and remember, that you must run chmod +x afterwards to make it executable.

    echo Information on main disk
    df -h /
    echo Memory info
    free -h
    echo Total CPUs:
    echo CPUs: $(nproc)
    echo CPU Model
    cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -i "Model"|head -n 2
    echo Kernel and OS info
    uname -a
    echo Generally, KVM should not be available unless specifically enabled
    if ! [ -e /dev/kvm ]; then
        echo "/dev/kvm does not exist"
        echo "/dev/kvm exists"
    echo OS
    cat /etc/os-release
    echo Egress IP:
    curl -s -L -S
    echo Speed test of Internet
    sudo pip install speedtest-cli
    echo Checking Docker
    docker run alpine:latest cat /etc/os-release

    Don't leave out this step!

    chmod +x ./
  2. Hit commit, and watch the VM boot up.

    You'll be able to see the runners registered for your organisation on the Actuated Dashboard along with the build queue and stats for the current day's builds.

  3. If you're curious

    You can view the logs of the agent by logging into one of the Actuated Servers with SSH and running the following commands:

    sudo journalctl -u actuated -f -o cat
    # Just today's logs:
    sudo journalctl -u actuated --since today -o cat

    And each VM writes the logs from its console and the GitHub Actions Runner to /var/log/actuated/.

    sudo cat /var/log/actuated/*

Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to reach out to us over Slack in the #onboarding channel.

Enable actuated for an existing repository

To add actuated to an existing repository, simply edit the workflow YAML file and change runs-on: to runs-on: actuated-4cpu-16gb and for Arm builds, change it to: runs-on: actuated-arm64-4cpu-16gb. The values for CPU and RAM can be customised to your needs, and there are no hard-coded, or fixed combinations, to allow for flexibility.

Learn more in Custom VM Sizes

Do you use the Docker Hub in your builds? Any Dockerfile with a FROM that doesn't include a server name will be pulled from, and there are strict rate-limits for unauthenticated users.

  1. Option 1 - authenticate

    Run docker login or use the Docker Login Action just before you run Docker build or pull down any images with tooling like KinD

  2. Option 2 - use a cache/mirror

    Use our guide to Set up a registry cache and mirror - this uses less bandwidth and increases the speed of builds where images are already present in the cache.